
Friday, December 6, 2013

Flanges! a tutorial for making a flanged binding

I LOVE Flanges!   I have been making a bunch of pillows for Christmas presents and find that I want to use a flange on every. single. one.  Flanges - a narrow flap of fabric - put on a quilt right before binding can make the binding really pop.  I love the look of the double narrow border that a flange makes.  It looks totally tricky and cool, but is soooo easy.  Let me show you.

Make your quilt/pillow and quilt as desired.  Trim the edges like you would before binding.

Cut out four 1" strips of fabric that are a bit longer than each side of your pillow/quilt.  Fold them in half and press.

Take one strip and lay the unfinished edges along the edge of your quilt/pillow.  Zigzag along the edge.  Make sure you are right on the edge so the stitching doesn't show when you put on the binding.

For the next side simply zigzag another strip to the quilt along the edge.  The ends will overlap like so.

Trim off any extra fabric.

At this point it should look like this.

Next attach the binding as usual.  When you pull back the binding you will see about a 1/4" of flange fabric along the edge.  LOVE!!!  Some people choose to top stitch the flange down along the loose edge, but I don't feel it is necessary.

You can also add a flange along the edge of a quilt top before you add the final border.  This gives you a narrow interior border without having to try to sew a 3/4" piece of fabric along the edge. (shudder)

I personally like to have the interior flange be the same color as the binding.  I think it looks nice that way but they could be different colors too.

Let me say it one more time:  I Love Flanges!  Blessings on the heads of the older ladies at the quilt store who showed me how to make one eight years ago.  How about you?  Have you ever used a flange in quilting?

(And is it just me or does flange sound like a bad word?)


  1. I haven't ever done one, but I definitely want to sometime. I really like how it looks. I recently pinned a tutorial for something similar. I'll send it to you.

  2. The flange really looks neat. Appreciate the tutorial and will use this in my upcoming quilts. Thanks!

  3. I never heard of this technique. Thanks for sharing. The quilts are striking. I pinned it to pass on the information.
    I know what you mean about the word 'flange' but I don't know why that would be.

  4. I especially love flanges on small projects such as your pillow. Thanks for the tutorial!

  5. Once on a pillow, but SO long ago. This is probably an easier one than I did anyway.

  6. I've never made it, but I'm so tempted to try it on the quilt top I'm about to finish now. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  7. Cool tutorial! I think you should do this as a demo for the guild some time.

  8. I think I'd rather call it a folded insert rather than flange, which sounds a bit mechanical! Have you tried using pre-formed piping in the same way? That looks so professional. Same technique but pull back some of the piping cord to reduce bulk where it laps.

  9. I am currently working on two quilt. I loved the tutorial. I may try this on at least one of my new projects.

    1. If you try one, I'll. bet you will put flanges. On both.I love the flange look.

  10. I've never heard of the technique, because quilting is VERY new to me, but I love how the flange makes the quilt pop. I'll try it one day when I get brave enough.

  11. Realmente maravilloso ... Pero mejor sería si se pudiera leer la pág en español...

  12. Two years ago when I was first leaning to quilt, I made a quilt for my husband with Monet prints. I wanted them to look like pictures, so I researched how to make a picture frame for each print and discovered flange, which I uses as a 'contrasting mat board' for the main "mat board" and then framed each print. Plan to use a similar concept for my next two quilts. Thanks for your tutorial to remind me how it was done.

  13. I've never seen this technique but I love it. It gives a more professional, finished look to the quilt or pillow and appears to be very easy. The tutorial was very good. Thank you so much for making it and sharing! I have to try it now.

  14. I laughed out loud when I saw your question in brackets at the end. I, too, keep thinking it's a "naughty" word ha ha.
    Great tutorial!
