
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What I Am Working On

Last week I made the backing for my star quilt.  I used up the leftover challenge fabric that I knew I wouldn't really use anywhere else and some larger cuts of fabric that I knew I wasn't going to use in a quilt anytime in the near future.

I think quilt backs are a great place to use up those cuts of fabric that you don't love anymore or just don't quite know what do do with.  There are just over 2 yards of fabric in that back - that's a lot of stash used up!  They are also a great place for me to use up those large scale prints that I love, but just don't know what to do with.

Last week I also worked on the Christmas quilt.  I have sewn all but two of the twelve rows (I need to cut more fabric for the last two).  Not bad for an afternoon!  I am always surprised at how much I can get done if I just sit down and sew for an hour or two.  I love quilting, but sometimes it seems overwhelming and like it is impossible to finish anything.  But if I just get sewing (instead of checking my email or other blogs)  I can actually get a lot done.

Another thing that seems overwhelming right now is the garden.  You won't be seeing any pretty garden pictures here because our huge garden is a royal mess.  I was out picking tomatoes and weeding with the kids and I kept telling them to just focus on pulling the weeds that were taller than their knees.  Don't worry about the short ones!  I pulled tons of 3-4 ft tall pig weed and the beets are much happier now that they can see the sun.  :)

Even with the garden being a weedy mess, we managed to get a ton of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, squash and potatoes.  But that means I have been spending time making salsa (38 quarts so far!) and freezer pickles and trying to keep the fruit flies at bay.  I think I have the last major haul of tomatoes and cucumbers sitting on the counter right now.  I just have to motivate myself to do something with them.

Maybe sewing all day tomorrow can be my reward for spending today working on tomatoes.  And it will go faster if I just stop blogging and start working on it, right?   :)  I hope.  help!

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and The Purge at Stitched in Color


  1. Congrats on what sounds like a very successful garden! I agree with your points on using up fabrics on quilt backs. I probably use random fabrics (rather than buying something particular) on 8 out of 10 of the quilts I make. Keeps the fabrics from sitting too long ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What are freezer pickles?
    Can i have the recipe?

    Sincerely, Paula K.

  4. They are a sweet pickle that you store in the freezer instead of canning. I use this recipe but with less onions.

  5. Love the title of this post: What I Am Working On. I feel like that so much of the time now--I'm working on something and little by little I'll get it done, but sometimes it feels like your garden is looking--overgrown and tangled but by golly, full of good stuff! Thanks for a great post, Leila. Always a pleasure to read your blog--
