
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am done at last!  I never got good at needle turn applique.  I am afraid that I might have to start a new method called "finger turn applique."  :)  It won't win any prizes, but I am awfully fond of this block.  I didn't know what to do with myself last night while watching Downton Abby (my new favorite show!) - nothing to hand stitch?!?  I guess I will have to dig out my hexagon quilt again.

My husband snapped this beautiful blurry picture of me working on the block over Christmas break.  It was my turn to be sick, so I snuggled up in my robe and comforter and did some stitching in between naps.  :)

Here are all of the applique blocks from the Skill Builder Sampler together.  This month was a stretch for my skills, but after a bunch of stitching, I actually think that I might enjoy the long term process of making an applique quilt.  I never would have said that when I started quilting.  That is one of the reasons that I love quilting.  There is always something new to learn and make - not to mention the beautiful new fabrics to make it with.  :)


  1. oh wow - needle-turn or not, they all look great!

  2. These are beautiful. I love your choice of fabrics and colors. Congrats on finishing them. This year, I am going to do more needle turn applique.

  3. I love your blocks. I want to learn how to appliqué so badly!!

  4. I think they all look great! Congratulations on a new skill!

  5. Ya- mine was ALL finger-turn, but I love your block- it looks great! PS_ Downtown Abbey is amazing!

  6. I watched Downton Abbey!!!! I was so excited there was a second season and now even more excited there is a third season.

  7. I am having a terrible time with needle turning. I also have leaves in my applique design and they are coming out all lumpy and mis-shapen. Do I iron them first prior to trying to needle/finger turn?
    I'm a very frustrated applique-r....can hardly wait to move on

  8. I'd love to look that good when I am sick!

  9. I can see why you are especially fond of this block. Your fabric choices work so well with the pattern. A nice blend of modern and traditional.

  10. They look great! I've never tried it but sure I will at some point! I'm working on my first attempt at epp so we'll see how I get on with that!

  11. Aw--sorry it was your turn to be sick (but I love how you phrased it). I, myself, am sick of being sick and am hoping that once I get past this bout, I'll be healthy for a while.

    Good for you for your applique. I did my Come Around quilt borders while watching Downton Abbey, the first season. And then, like you, I missed having something in my hands to work on while I watched the second season's episode one. Love that show!

    I chose to do machine applique on my Lollypop Tree quilt blocks (an in-progress quilt) so it would go quickly and I like it, but sometimes I wish I'd done it by hand, for all the reasons you state.

    I think your blocks look great! Bravo!

    Elizabeth E.
