
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Cut Fabric With Scissors!

 Do you remember this 4x5 Modern Quilt Bee block that I wasn't fond of but didn't know if I wanted to redo?  Fate stepped in in the form of my 2 year old.  I came upstairs last week after folding some laundry and she proudly announced, "I cut fabric with scissors!"  Ahhh!!!  At least it was this block that got cut up around the edges.

  So here is the new and improved block  I do like it much better.  It isn't quite so intense.

And here is the little cutie with the new block.  Let's pretend she felt sorry for what she did and will never take scissors to anything important again.   Yeah...


  1. It could have been her hair she cut ;p

  2. So true. My sister kept cutting her bangs down to 1/4 inch when she was young. The worst thing was that people would ask my mom if she had given my sister a hair cut.

  3. At the age of two my middle daughter cut her hair after dipping the comb into the toilet bowl and cutting her fringe,or bangs almost back to the crown)She also cut the middle strings out my macrame sampler. Moral of the story, keep scissors well out of reach of a two year old.

  4. oh no! My daughter cut the front of her hair off when she was three, leaving it about half an inch long. That one stayed with us for a while!

  5. My son used to cut his clothes. All of his T-shirts had little holes in the front. Cutting is a difficult skill for a lot of kids, and a lot of kids in kindergarten can't cut well at all. I would give your daughter a stack of old catalogs, a pair of scissors and let her go at it (supervised, of course!).

  6. Oh, no! Scissors... my son used my sewing scissors to cut his hair. Grr... I love the new block, though!! And your daughter is really cute!

  7. What a cutie!! Thank goodness it wasn't something you loved!

  8. Between scissors and gum (finally outlawed in our house) there are too many horror stories to even count--not to mention the permanent Sharpie marker,supposedly out of reach, which contributed to the "modern art decor" of the walls!

    Love the new block BTW.

  9. Maybe the first one can be a potholder now. The second block is lovely and the photo is adorable.
