
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Delayed by Life...Again...

 This has been a busy week.  We had doctor appointments and then a stressful confrontation between ourselves, our neighbors and the City Council that resulted in our having to get rid of our chickens (grr...) and have made neighbor relations awkward (blah...).  On the bright side we had a fun birthday party for our 12 year old this week and it has finally cooled down a bit here in Iowa which makes for a happy mom. 

I finally felt like I could last more than 10 minutes outside so we went berry picking.  There is nothing better than fresh blueberries and I love to freeze them and have them for snacks all winter.  Yummmm!  Seriously, they are sooo much better than the frozen blueberries in the stores.   I'm glad we were able to get out there this week, because it is almost the end of the blueberry season already.  Spring came early here this year and all the crops are really early.

The only thing that isn't early is my Skill Builder Sampler.  :|  It got shoved to the back of the list by Dr.s, chickens, berries, birthdays and swollen feet.  But I am putting it on the top of my list for next week.  It really is a good thing that I am leading the QAL or else I think the blocks would languish in their box for another year before I put them together.  :)  Posts on layout skills and sashing will be appearing next week.  For real. Really.

But not today because we are going to leave in a bit for Bison Days at the Broken Kettle Grassland Preserve.  The preserve is the largest remaining bit of prairie in Iowa and they are going to be taking people out to see the bison herd today.  Yay!  

How has your summer been going?  I can't believe that we only have a month until school starts again.  ?!?!  We need to do some more swimming!


  1. Oh dear, that sounds like a horrid stressful situation with the neighbours. Hope it all sorts out

  2. That's sad about your chickens. Sorry about that.

  3. We have a noisy cockerel - not intentional but when one of our chickens got broody somebody gave us some eggs for her to sit on and the result was another hen and Darth the cockerel. If they ever complain I might feel compelled to mention the fact that, since they moved in 6 years ago, they have had a barn conversion on the go with varying degrees of noise, dust and commotion.
    Love the quilt pegged out on the line - it looks quick, easy and a great way to showcase some pretty fabrics - is there a pattern?
    Good luck with your neighbour relations!
