
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fair Firsts

Yesterday we went to the Iowa State Fair.  It was so much more enjoyable than last year.  Much cooler (only in the 70s!! Notice that they started the day wearing sweaters?) and my husband was able to come too.  I can't believe I took the kids by myself on a super hot day last year.  I must have been insane!

The first stop was the Fabric and Threads exhibit to check out the quilt block contest winners.  Here are all the blocks that were entered into the competition.  After the fair they will be made up into a quilt and raffled off at next year's fair.

Here is mine!  An honorable mention!  

I was quite proud to be in the top 6 blocks.  There were some real beauties.

The smocked dress I entered won a blue ribbon.  Which I am proud of ...but I think it was the only one in it's class (Child's Smocked Garment Size 3-12).  So if you want to win a ribbon with minimal competition, the smocked category is for you!  ;)

Another first was our 3 year old deciding that she could go down the slide all by herself.  It was only 3 feet tall, but she was so proud (and so was I - going down the slide with her is getting very old).  She went down at least 30 times before we left the play ground area.

It was also our first time getting the free boiled egg on a stick.  Sooo much more fun than a regular boiled egg and everyone ate their yolks - another first.

We made it up to the Cultural Center for the first time this year.  We stuck around watching glass beads being made, pots being thrown and eating lunch long enough to participate in Art Attack (free art activities for kids).  I loved being up there in the courtyard.  The weather was lovely and it wasn't crowded at all -well compared to the rest of the fair.  Very relaxing.

Looking at and petting animals rounded off the day.  I love the little calves!  It was a lot of fun, but my belly and back were glad to rest on the couch for the rest of the night after a long day of walking around.  ;)

What is your favorite part of going to the fair?


  1. So fun!! My son LOVES the animals, so we spend most of our time in the barn when we're at the fair.

  2. Congrats on the ribbons for your projects! That's gratifying! And me and the fair - definitely the food.

  3. My favourite part of going to the fair is going straight to the 'patchwork' section and looking at the 1st, 2nd and 3rds my quilts get awarded because no one else has entered ;-)

  4. Congrats on the honorable mention!! and the many other firsts of the day ;-) Where I grew up, the local county fair always had french fried artichoke hearts and ice cream on a stick dipped in chocolate and nuts. Yes, I always liked those 2 things the best, but we enjoyed walking through the garden exhibits, all the home-arts and seeing all the baby animals too. My sister won in the chocolate-chip cookie category as I recall. She still makes good ones! My fav version is Toll House + oats with almonds.

  5. Congrats on the ribbons!! This sounds like an amazing fair. Love the idea of a hard boiled egg on a stick - I wonder if that would catch on here in the UK?!! But, they don't really do fairs like yours here [jealous of your fair]!!!

  6. Congratulations, Leila, on your honorable mention!
    I was very happy too!!!
    Kisses from Brazil.

  7. Congrats on your success! We don´t have this kind of fairs with a quilt competition so I enjoy seeing your pictures (I have never seen an egg on a stick *lol*)

  8. YEA!! Congratulations on your Honorale Mention and your blue ribbon!!! That's awesome!!

    I'm totally going to try a boiled egg on a stick for my kids...

  9. congrats on your ribbons! we are looking forward to going to the fair later this week. We are looking forward to the little hands on the farm. We haven't tried it before, but have heard good things about it.

  10. I am so happy the honorable mention and the blue ribbon is fabulous. As a blogger we are so proud of you.

  11. I enter my dresses in the Utah State Fair every year. they stopped having the smocked dress category, just before I started entering my smocked dresses. I still win my blue ribbons though :) congrats on yours.

  12. Oh my goodness! All the kids are getting to be so grown up! And personally, I think the yolk is the best part of the egg :) ;)

  13. What a fun day at the fair. I think your smocked dress would have gotten a blue ribbon no matter how many entries there were. It is adorable dress. No many days left until the new baby. I hope your last few days will be as comfortable as possible.

  14. Your comment about entering in a category with limited submissions cracked me up. That's how I earned my blue ribbon on my baklava! But your dress (and the block, too) are lovely and interesting.


    Elizabeth E.
