
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Heather Ross Fabric Exchange

When I participated in a charm swap of Japanese fabric last year, I got a few Heather Ross prints in the mix and I LOVE them!  I decided that I wanted to feature a bunch of Heather Ross prints in a quilt, but buying a fat quarter of each of my favorites started to add up Very quickly.

So here is the plan:  A Heather Ross fabric swap!!

The Details:

  • Each participant will buy 1 yard of Heather Ross fabric.  It can be any of her old or new prints.
  • Fabrics acceptable to swap are all Far Far Away lines, West Hill, Mendocino, Munki Munki and Nursery Versery. Please no Spoonflower fabric so that the weight and fiber content will be consistent and no Crafty Chloe. 
  • They will cut the yard of fabric into sixteen 9x9 inch squares.  I will post a tutorial on how to do this.
  • They will mail the cut fabric and a self addressed stamped envelope to me by Sept 1st at the latest.  This date is non-negotiable as I will have a baby around the 13th of September and I want to have all of the packages mailed back before then.
  • If they wish to have the fabric mailed directly to me, I will cut it up but will keep the 4x36 inch scrap of remaining fabric as payment.   They will still need to mail me a self addressed stamped envelope (or teach me how to charge a payment though paypal - I am completely clueless).
  • I will mail out a package with sixteen different 9x9 inch cuts of Heather Ross fabric as soon as all the fabric is received. 
  • In order to make sure that none of the prints are duplicated, please post a picture of the fabric you purchase on the Heather Ross Fabric Exchange flickr group.  Prints in different colorways are ok - in fact, I would love to get all three color ways of the cowgirl fabric.  Please look at the flickr group page before hitting buy.
  • To sign up for the exchange, leave a comment below.  Make sure I have your email address so I can email you my address and communicate any other details to you.
  • There are 15 spots open for the exchange.
Let me know if I have forgotten any details.  I can't wait to see all of the beautiful Heather Ross goodness!

PS.  The Fat Quarter Shop has some Far Far Away III fabric on sale!

All spots have been filled.  If any open back up I will let you know!  Thanks!


  1. I would love to participate. My email address is

  2. Are you including her Crafty Chloe line that she designed for Hancock's, or only her Kokka (I think she's Kokka) prints from Japan? There's a huge price difference between the two, and some people might be disappointed if they think they're going to be getting FFA and her other Japanese prints. You might just want to specify which lines you're willing to allow for the swap. :)

    1. Good question. I had forgotten about the Crafty Chloe line. Since we can all pick that up for a good price if we want, I will exclude it from the swap.

      Fabrics acceptable to swap are all Far Far Away lines, West Hill, Mendocino, Munki Munki and Nursery Versery. Please no Spoonflower fabric so that the weight and fiber content will be consistent.

      I don't know if anyone would even be able to find that much Munki Munki - isn't it cut up from pjs? - but if you can, go for it. I assume that most of the swap fabric will come from FFA and Nursery Versery because older lines have prohibitive pricing.

    2. I updated the post with this additional information. Thanks! :)

    3. Well of course not! I wouldn't want that so would not give that either!! Thanks,

  3. I would love to participate too. My email address is

  4. Also are you allowing any Munki Munki which was also designed by her?

    1. If you can find enough yardage to get 16 9x9 inch squares, go for it!

    2. And you would need to be sure that it was all usable fabric. No seams down the middle of the 9x9 inch piece. :)

  5. Count me in, and ditto on the Munki question.

  6. I'd like to play along!!

  7. I would like to participate. My email is

  8. I'm trying desperately to resist but I seem to be powerless! Please count me in too!

  9. Oh! This sounds wonderful! I'd love to join!

    1. Got so excited I forgot my email!
      allegorydarling (at) yahoo

  10. are you including the FFA-I, they are printed on double gauze

    1. Yes, I am including FFA-I. Thanks for asking!

  11. I'd love to be in this swap...just ordered Far Far Away III White Cowgirls and Horses. Hope I'm not too late!

  12. I would love to participate in the HR swap...would HR's Lighting Bug fabric line be acceptable, it is not mentioned in your post?

  13. I'd love to join if there is still room. I'll await your email. This sounds fun!

  14. If there is still room, I'd love in!

  15. I'd be happy to join. Let me know if you need another to fill out your swap.
    shari at

  16. I'd love to join if there is still room:

  17. I'd love to participate, and will email the paupsl directions as I can't buy a US stamp in Australia!


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. May I join too?

  20. Oh maaaannnnn - my internet was down and try as I might I COULD NOT get on to be included yesterday! So, if something does open back up - please let me know. I have LOTS of fun older stuff I could include! :) Thanks!

  21. I'm interested. But first let me check my Heather Ross Stash. I think I have some largish pieces of FFA I and II. Some of them are canvas and gauze weights. Are those accepted?
