
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

WIP Wednesday

 This week I have been working on the Madrona Road Challenge.  I decided to make a mini quilt with ubiquitous (in modern quilting at least) wonky log cabins.   It measures 12 x 16 inches and just needs to be bound.

Earlier this week someone in blogland asked why there were never any messed up pictures on blogs.  So to fill the lack of ugly messed up pictures, here is a close up of the back of the quilt.  Arrggg!  I don't know what happened, but it is a mess in quite a few places.  Quite honestly, I will only fix it if it gets picked to be in the Micheal Miller booth - a long shot.  Otherwise it will hang happily on my wall with that mess hidden.  Because life is too short to worry about all of the behind the scenes messes.  I think we can all just assume that they are there.  People will take pictures of the prettiest blocks with the best quilting in the best light they can because we are trying to create and capture beauty in this world.

And life is beautiful.  So is this little butter ball who moments before this picture had rubbed snot all over her face.  You can't tell from this picture but she also has a double ear infection, :( was miserable last night and her sisters are running around like crazy because we are snowed in and there isn't school.  I think we can all assume, even if we don't see it on blogs, that there are points that don't line up and dishes that don't get done.  I'm just glad that there are so many things to take pretty pictures of.  :)


  1. Love that mini quilt (your colors are great!) Thank you for sharing the behind the scenes mess... :-)

  2. Great mini and the back looks like mine....grin. Feel better cute baby! :(

  3. I'm full of snot too Leila but I'm guessing you don't want a picture of that :-)

  4. Hoping the little one is feeling better soon - she is totally edible! I love the mini and totally agree about lovely pictures versus ugly ones!

  5. your Madrona Road quilt is looking great! I love the block in the center of the third row down - it reminds me of a rectangular egg :)
    I agree that it can sometimes seem like blog pictures omit the mistakes and messes, and posts deliberately pointing them out are fewer than those that don't mention them, especially when we are looking at our own mistakes. But I think those missed points and other mistakes are still there, we just see other peoples' work a little truer than our own. What I mean is, the missed points and seams that don't align like they should that are driving us nuts in our own work, just aren't as obvious to everyone else as we think they are because we are much closer to our own work than anyone else. I've seen posts bemoan terrible mistakes that I had to study pictures hard to find. When we see someone else's work and think it looks perfect, it probably isn't, but because we don't know what to look for we see the beauty instead of the flaws. For myself, I'm trying to balance striving to improve my skills and viewing my quilts through the same forgiving eye I see everyone else's quilts through. {you can tell when I've failed because my posts turn into a pity party!}

  6. Love the mini! It is nice to see goofs once in a while. I know I make plenty of messes. :)
    Sorry to hear little one is not feeling well. Hope you survive your snow days! :)
    My kids like to paint the snow, just water and food coloring in spray bottles or dishoap bottles. They don't have to get wet. They can just stand on the cleared driveway/sidewalk and squirt away.

  7. Love your quilt and LOVE your attitude!! Focus on the pretty and ignore the ugly.

  8. Such a great post. I was thinking about this very idea today as I was rushing to finish up a quilt. When I looked at Jane Sassaman's book last week (a different project) she says she always goes slow and steady on her quilting. Okay, that's why she is Jane Sassaman and I was just trying to the get the quilting done before I had to go down and make dinner. So now I have to try and find a lovely perfect spot for the photo, or at last an interesting camera angle!

    Love the photo of the baby. You are one lucky lady, even on those icky snow days!

    Elizabeth E.

  9. That sometimes happens to me with free motion quilting - the top looks perfect, the back looks a mess - and I think I'm the only one in the world it happens to so thanks for redressing the balance.
    Hope beautiful baby feels better soon.

  10. Oh, my poor little cuddle-bug... she was probably still a good happy baby through it all. Hope she's feeling better soon. That's funny that you had comments about never having bad pics or screw-ups on the blog very few people do) but we all know life isn't that perfect.

  11. Gotta love snow days! Hope your sweet baby is feeling better soon.
    Your wonky cabins look great on the front. Who looks at the back?

  12. And she is a very pretty picture.

    As for the not perfect quilting on the wall quilt, good for you.
