
Thursday, April 11, 2013

QuiltCon Post #4 - The Lectures

 One of the funnest parts of going to QuiltCon was going to all of the lectures.  They had a great line up of speakers!

I loved Amy Butler's lecture on color and how she gets inspiration for her fabrics.  I was so inspired and she seemed so nice and real.

Jacquie Gering's lecture was also one of my favorites.  She told about her quilting journey, her family and quilting traditions that are important to her.  Truly heartwarming!

The lecture on book publishing helped answer some of my questions and concerns - perhaps someday there will be a Skill Builder Sampler Book? 

The Craftsy team was there and recorded some of the lectures - most of my favorites!  I watched Amy Butler and Jacquie Gering's lectures again and got to see David Butler and Mary Fon's lectures for the first time on Craftsy!  

I loved how Mary Fon talked about embracing beginning quilters.  Check out this post to see how Shea at The Empty Bobbin put the lecture into practice!  Inspiring!

The lectures are free (don't get me started on how much I paid to see them live!) so check them out at your leisure. 

Another fun thing about the lecture hall was how they had all of the charity quilts hanging along the walls.  The lighting was horrible for the quilts, but showed off the quilting well.  Seriously, the first thing you would notice when you looked at the quilt was the quilting design - the lighting cast these weird shadows.  It was neat to see the different ways that the guilds had put such different blocks together and made a cohesive quilt.  Lots of great inspiration on non-traditional block layouts.


  1. I had found the lectures on Craftsy and got as far as clicking to enroll, but then I completely forgot to listen to them. Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to listen while I work this afternoon.

  2. Catching up on blog reading this evening, and was glad to see you have a series on QuiltCon. Now I'll work backwards to read the rest!

    Elizabeth E.
