
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do You Ever Wonder...

...if you should have a home decor/diy type of blog?  I wonder if I would get more done around the house if I was motivated to finish painting/peeling wallpaper/organizing closets/washing dishes so I could post cool before and after pictures about it.  ;)  Instead I sit and work on English paper piecing in the evenings.  I am working on a bunch of Christmas pillows right now - way more relaxing than peeling wallpaper.  I never wonder if I should have a "kid" blog.  Blogs are breaks from kids. people seem to do "everything?"  I know they don't, but I always seem to be biting off more than I can chew and then wondering why I am making myself stressed.

Case in point, my "does-anyone-want to-sew-along-and-make-a-tree-skirt-post".   I don't know what I was smoking when I wrote that.   A "real" quilt along would be way more than I could handle at this time, but at the same time I would LOVE to sew along with other people.  So here is a happy medium idea: if you would like to follow the original instructions for the Diamond Quilt and post pictures in my new-fancy-dancy Sewn By... flickr group then we could all cheer each other on and I could answer any questions you might have about the quilt.  And it could all be done without having a nervous breakdown.  :)

splish splash stash

Linking up!  Hop on over to see some great EPP projects!


  1. I hear ya on the idea of a diy type blog. Yes, it would motivate us to get those pesky chores done. But I am afraid it would never be as fun as quilting!

  2. lol on the biting off more than you can chew! I do it all the time. I have the same thoughts about my house... i laugh that we just want to do the remodeling and decorating so that we have better quilt backdrops! lol

  3. Those diamonds are so cute! What a fun christmas cushion you're going to have. Thanks so much for linking up to the party.

    I find my plate too full and my to do list too long, also. I would probably do better if I devoted scheduled blocks or time to big projects, but its just so much easier to do some quilting. :)

  4. Though my blog is almost entirely various crafty things (sewing, knitting, spinning, etc) I've been tempted to post some before & after DIY stuff. It would definitely motivate me to get it done a lot faster! I love being able to finish a project and post photos of it.

    I'm in the middle of a big sewing room/office reorganization, but I'm not sure if I'm going to post all the embarrassing before photos of the whole room. I'll see when I get it finished. I do wish I'd thought to take before pics of the shelving unit I'm painting though. It was such a mess when I got it (at an auction for super cheap) and it looks so much better already even though it still needs another coat of paint, though still not fine carpentry or anything :)

  5. I gave up on housework a long time ago. I sweep and vacuum about once a week and do a really cleaning twice a year. And my house still looks good. At least to me :) Your Christmas diamonds are lovely!

  6. I was just saying this morning to a quilting friend that I didn't know HOW you got all the stuff done that you do!!! Wish I felt that I was accomplishing as much----maybe I am, but only in ways that don't show and are unending!
