
Saturday, October 11, 2014

You Can Quilt!

Here it is!  You Can Quilt!  
It's planned release date is February 2015!!!

Just like the original We Can Do It! Skill Builder Sampler, You Can Quilt! devotes a chapter to each major piecing skill.

Chapter 1:  The Basics (cutting, 1/4" seams and straight line blocks)
Chapter 2:  Half Square Triangles
Chapter 3: Quarter Square Triangles
Chapter 4:  Flying Geese
Chapter 5:  Wonky Piecing
Chapter 6:  Improvisational Piecing
Chapter 7:  Foundation Paper Piecing
Chapter 8:  Curves
Chapter 9:  One Patch Blocks
Chapter 10:  Applique
Chapter 11:  Inset Seams
Chapter 12:  Challenge Yourself!

My picture of the Flying Geese Blocks.
Each chapter starts with a simple block, followed by an intermediate block and ends with a more advanced block.  The idea is to start with a nonthreatening block and then to progress to the point where you know you could make any quilt that used that particular skill.  The instructions for the 36 quilt blocks are detailed, clear and beginner friendly.

I think this book is the most awesome quilting book ever!  (I might be a bit biased.)  But I put off sharing the book's cover for a few weeks for two reasons.  First, it features my "ugly" quilt :).  Second, this book is a must have for all quilters, not just beginners and I wanted to see if the cover could be altered to resolve those concerns.

I know AQS wants to market to beginning quilters, but this book is also perfect for all of us that are stuck in intermediate-quilter-land.  I had been quilting for years before I tried to foundation paper piece and I would never have tried to applique if it wasn't for my husband (read that story here).  This book is all about overcoming your quilting fears, trying out new techniques and building skills so you can make the quilts of your dreams.

This book is for you!  Your friend!  Your quilt group!  Everyone!

I will be sure post more information and sneak peeks as they become available!  Have a great weekend!


  1. I am so excited for you to have this book coming out. I will be getting it for sure!

  2. Leila, I'm so excited for you! How fun to see this actually happen! Yay!!!

  3. I look forward to seeing this book as I am a confident beginner. It's on my list. Let us know when it's available. Thank you.
    jlblvn at gmail dot com

  4. I just found your blog and I love it! I downloaded the blocks for future reference. I need to practice many of these blocks. I am very grateful! Thank you.
    jlblvn at gmail dot com

  5. Congratulations, Leila! How fabulous to have this book coming out in January. It looks wonderful - just get the linky up for us to pre-order.

  6. Leila- this is wonderful! It's so exciting to see the process from when we were doing Skill Builder to now. It's still my favorite quilt along to date. :)
