
Monday, March 30, 2015

Hey, I Actually Sewed...Well...Cut Something!

Between book editing, sickness and general "real life" more than two weeks have slipped by since I worked on anything quilt related!  (Other than my English paper piecing project.)  I know, crazy.  :)

To be 100% accurate I still haven't sewn anything, but last week I did cut out the pieces for the April At the Fair Quilt blocks (they are Awesome!) and cut out pieces for a quilt using the Des Moines Modern Quilt Group's challenge fabric.  We were given a small bundle of black and white text prints and I want to make a quilt with inserted pieced strips like this quilt.  But instead of squares I want to have a variety of block sizes.  So I drafted a basic design in EQ7 (Note that the outlined block is to scale.  I don't know why the colored on is not).

Then I dug through my solid fabrics and came up with this group of blues and greens.  Cutting the strips and blocks was a bit challenging, because I had to take into account not only which fabrics would look best together, but how much of each fabric I had.  I was pretty proud that I was able to get it all out of stash.  I really have come to believe that I have too much fabric.  I could make so many quilts out of what I have.  The next quilt on my to do list is made entirely of scraps.  I just need to finish this one first.  So many quilts, so little sewing time.  :)


  1. I know that feeling of achievement! I've finally managed to cut and sew most of the second March block. Only took me ages to decide on the fabric, now have run out of a solid so had to order some in. I find that if I cut all the pieces for whatever I am planning to sew, then it gets easier to take 5 minutes here and there to sew it all together. Works for my bee blocks too. Looking forward to the April blocks - but please let them be small(er) ;-)

  2. Getting a quilt out of your stash is an achievement in itself! Sorry you've been sick--hope you are back to yourself now--and hope the book is coming along well.

    By the way, very cool block!
