
Friday, June 12, 2015

Good News Times Two

Well, Kate is doing much better.  Once they got some meds into her system and got the inflammation down she perked up a lot and then we just had to wait to make sure there weren't any intestinal issues.  Her favorite thing in the hospital was riding the bikes up and down the hall and watching movies - a lot of movies.  Her most un-favorite thing was getting blood drawn.  Second most un-favorite thing was not getting to choose what food to eat for awhile while she was on a liquid diet.  

Crazy Selfie
When we got home we were talking over dinner about how she hadn't been very cooperative in the hospital about needles and medicine. She said she never wanted to to be poked again. I said, "Sometimes when you're sick that's what you have to do to get better. Would you rather get a shot or die?" (I was trying to make it that extreme on purpose so she would see that shots weren't that bad.)  
She thought for a second and said, "I would rather live with Heavenly Father." I'm glad she has faith that dying wouldn't be that bad, but that is why parents, not 5 year-olds, get to make medical decisions.   
Later my husband told me that while he was with her they had to draw blood and after doing everything they could to encourage cooperation they were holding her arm and she was screaming "Mommy!" over and over.  (She screamed for Brian when I was with her.)  Brian finally asked her if she thought I would tell them to stop something that would help her get better. She mulled that over for a few seconds and then started screaming "Anybody!!!"  :)  She is a character and I am glad she is feeling better.

In other news, my little Cogs quilt is in the Fons and Porter's Summer 2015 Scrap Quilts magazine!  I love their pictures.  It is a toddler sized quilt 38" x 50" and is made out of some of my favorite American Jane fabrics.

This is the first quilt I have submitted to a magazine and I was surprised about a few things.  The biggest surprise was that they are pretty laid back about piecing instructions.  You don't have to be a professional pattern writer to submit a quilt.  They just want basic instructions which they will edit to fit their magazine style.  In fact, they rewrote my cutting and piecing instructions so the on point squares in the block are pieced a different way.  An easier way, but it surprised me.  (But don't use 12 fat quarters like they say, just use your scraps or you will end up making even more scraps!)

I was also fun to see my friend Doris's quilt in the same magazine!!!  

Well, I am going to start working on my list of things to do again and will post more instructions for That Quirky Scrap Quilt (along) on Monday.  Have a great weekend!


  1. So glad you little one is doing better! And yay for the magazine feature - congrats!

  2. Im glad to hear your little girl is doing better. I made your sampler quilt a couple of months ago (you can see it if you follow this link and have been following your blog since. I was super excited for you that your sampler has been published in a book. I know someone who owns a quilt shop and I told them all about it! Congratulations on the magazine too. I think that is really awesome.

  3. Glad your little girl is doing better. I did have to chuckle at the stories of her hospital stay. Big Congrats on being published. It takes awhile for magazines to reach our stores here in New Zealand but I will look out for it.

  4. Great news! Very happy for you.

  5. Good to hear that your daughter is better. I just bought the Scraps Quilts magazine last night. I like both yours and Doris's quilts. I have enjoyed working on That Quirky Scrap Quilt, it has made a very slight dent in my scraps box.

  6. So happy Kate is feeling better! The quilt is adorable! I do love it. I will have to get out and get this issue before its gone.

  7. What a wonderful daughter you have.It was lovely to hear about her stay in hospital,how she thinks it would be better to be with her Heavenlyfather, and now she is recovering. Congrats on being published.

  8. Glad she is doing better! Sounds like you've got one smart kid on your hands! :) Congrats on the magazine feature.
