Quick & Easy Quilt Library

Are you looking for a Quick & Easy Quilt to make for charity or a gift?  Wouldn't it be great to have a bunch of ideas in one place?  I would love for this page to be a go-to place for quilters and quilt guilds to get ideas for charity quilts. I want to make it less overwhelming to make a quilt for charity or a last minute baby shower gift.

There are hundreds of quick and beautiful quilts out there!  Will you help me find them?  If you have a favorite Quick & Easy Quilt Tutorial will you link it up?



  1. Hi Leila - my link has had a photo malfunction! Can you delete the link and I'll do it again. Thanks :-)

  2. I am definitely bookmarking this page. I love all these easy quilts in one place! Thanks!

  3. could you please send my your pattern for the butterfly that you did in August 2015? Thank you, Gayle gayle.f.malone@gmail.com

  4. could you please send my your pattern for the butterfly that you did in August 2015? Thank you, Gayle gayle.f.malone@gmail.com
